CGF; It is the name of the layer containing platelets, leukocytes and various growth-growth factors and cytokines after the blood taken from the person is separated into its components by centrifugation at four different cycles and times.

How is it applied?

First, blood is drawn from the person. Afterwards, concentrated growth factors are obtained by special separation methods. The application area is cleaned with disinfectant and local anesthetic creams are applied.
Obtained plasma;

  • Direct injection,
  • Mesotherapy,
  • Microneedling,
  • In mask,
  • It can be applied to the wounds.

The application takes a total of 30-45 minutes with the preparation part.

What are the Situations in which CGF Applications are Used for Therapeutic Purposes?

  1. It can be applied to all sagging body parts such as face, neck, decollete, hands, inner legs, cellulite areas, arms, for wrinkles, sagging, anti-aging, scar treatment, lifting effect, crack treatment,
  2. Fibromyalgia, sprain and sprain treatment,
  3. Joint calcifications (knee, hip, shoulder, ankle),
  4. Cartilage – bone wear and calcifications (gonarthrosis and patella tendinitis),
  5. Joint, ligament and muscle injuries,
  6. Meniscus injuries and tears,
  7. Heel spur,
  8. Waist and neck hernias,
  9. Wound and burn treatments (diabetic foot, in the treatment of non-healing wounds and burns),
  10. Chronic back and neck pain
  11. Inflammatory muscle diseases and rheumatic diseases
  12. Muscle-connective tissue adhesions
  13. Skin adhesions and thickening,
  14. It can be used in the treatment of hair loss.

How Many Sessions Is The CGF Application And When Does Its Effect Start?

Scientific studies are not sufficient to give definite information on this subject. However, as in PRP treatment, it is recommended to apply 3-4 sessions with 2-3 week intervals. In some cases, the number of sessions can be increased to 6.

While 3 sessions of cures once a year are sufficient for people under the age of 35-45, 2 treatments can be applied every 6 months over the age of 45. Age is not the only factor, but general health and lifestyle are also very important.

Full efficacy, although benefits are usually seen after the first injection 3. It becomes noticeable after the session. Efficacy is shorter during menopause, smoking, alcohol use, malnutrition, poor sleep patterns, and not being protected from sun and ultraviolet rays.

Who is CGF Treatment Not Applied to?

  1. People with insufficient platelet count in blood count (hemogram) tests,
  2. Those who have an active infection,
  3. Those who have bleeding disease or those who use high amounts of “blood thinners” on the same day,
  4. Those with chronic liver disease (such as cirrhosis, hepatitis)
  5. It is NOT applicable to people who have a history of cancer in the last 5 years.


  • Do not wet your face for the first 6-8 hours.
  • Avoid bowing your head for the first 24 hours.
  • Avoid hot environments and sun for the first 24 hours.
  • Do not consume salty and edema-increasing foods for the first 24 hours (pickle, soda, etc.).
  • You can take a warm shower 6-8 hours after the procedure.
  • Sleep on your back.