OBSERV DEVICE (Face Skin analyzer)

Thanks to the different lighting modes, it provides a sharper, more detailed visual image of the different skin conditions and problems of the skin.

Skin tissue: Disruptions in the keratinization process, loss of structural integrity, infections, inflammations and loss of elasticity.
Skin discoloration: Pigmentation disorders, inflammatory responses, vascular abnormalities.
Skin secretions: Essential fatty acid deficiency (FAD), impaired acid balance, acne, bacteria.

OBSERV® 520 Light Modes:

Daylight: Daylight mode allows you to observe your patient’s skin under controlled daylight conditions. Compares skin appearance in daylight and other skin analysis modes. Skin issues are easily comparable in daylight and other light modes.

True UV: Thanks to the different fluorescence behavior of skin cells and secretions, skin problems that are difficult to see or look similar become distinguishable.

Wood’s: The spectral composition of the Wood mode mimics a classic Wood light. Using the intensity dial, the Wood’s light spectrum can be adjusted and provides an additional diagnostic dimension.

Cross-Polarized: Cross-polarized mode provides a direct view of the skin that reveals surface flares and skin vascular or pigmentation disorders.

Parallel-Polarized: Parallel polarized mode increases the visibility of skin’s surface tissues such as skin micro-relief, fine lines and wrinkle formations.

Thanks to its unique fluorescent and polarized light illumination technology, OBSERV® 520 instantly reveals skin problems, creates awareness and helps to create application programs.