Hair PRP

Hair loss of 100-150 strands per day is considered normal. If it is more than that, hair loss should be taken seriously. PRP also provides successful results in hair treatment. Especially in hair loss, very effective results of the patients were determined.

What is PRP?

PRP is the process of taking some blood from the person’s body, separating the plasma of the blood with a special process and giving it back to the body by injection. The obtained plasma is very rich in cells called “platelets”. Platelets, whose main task in the body is to ensure blood clotting, have an important role in hair treatments thanks to the growth factors they contain. This method is especially effective in genetic spills.

At what intervals is PRP treatment performed?

PRP hair treatment is applied for a maximum of 30 minutes every 15 days on average and usually lasts for 3-4 months. Afterwards, it will be sufficient to apply it once a year.

Why should it be preferred?

The most important advantage of this method is that the special plasma is obtained from the patient’s own blood and does not carry the risk of allergy.