G5 Massage

G5 massage is performed using a special rhythmic massage device. The device, which provides sealing through rapid vibrations, is very effective in the treatment of cellulite. G5 application, which is especially used in cellulite treatment and regional slimming, also helps to remove lactic acid and edema accumulated in the muscles. G5 massage can also be used in spasm treatments as it accelerates blood flow.

G5 massage sessions and application areas

G5 massage consists of 10-15 sessions lasting 20-25 minutes depending on body characteristics. G5 massage, which can be applied to all parts of the body, can be applied to the whole body. However, the upper legs, hips, buttocks and arms areas that give the most effective results are more preferred.

G5 massage has the feature of supporting regional slimming when combined with regional slimming methods such as cold lipolysis and lymphatic drainage.

How is the G5 massage applied?

G5 massage is applied with a specially designed massage device that applies rhythmic vibrations and pushing force from heads suitable for every skin type. The G5 device, which applies vibration and pushing force to the application area, is one of the methods used in cellulite treatments for years.

In G5 massage, the application of aromatherapy oils with herbal content to the application area significantly increases the effect of the treatment.