Ozone Therapy

In ancient times, ozone was given the name of “breath of god” in Greek. It is ozone, which was formed during lightning strikes, that creates this feeling in the air we breathe as the smell of fresh air, especially after lightning and lightning. For this reason, ozone is known as “super oxygen.”

Ozone therapy is the process of injecting medical ozone gas into the blood taken from the patient’s own body through the same channel. Ozone therapy is a treatment for the removal of toxins, regeneration of tissues, and strengthening of the immune and circulatory system.

How is ozone therapy done?

After the blood is taken, it is waited for a while for the ozone to reach a homogeneous consistency with the blood. During this time, you can observe that the blood is kind of infused, turning into a much brighter red color. When the blood is combined with ozone, it is purified from the pathogens in it. When the blood is re-injected into the patient, it is ensured that the body gets efficiency from many different aspects.

What does ozone therapy do?

Thanks to major therapy, you can regain the energy of an 18-year-old. Major therapy can be used in the treatment of many diseases such as impotence, stress, cancer, chronic fatigue, forgetfulness, ulcers, fungal diseases, rheumatic pains, obesity, constipation, asthma, Alzheimer’s.

Diseases and Conditions Applied

Diseases and Conditions in which Medical Ozone is Applied
  • Strengthening the immune system,
  • Elimination of vascular circulation disorders,
  • Control of rheumatic diseases and fibromyalgia,
  • Reducing pain in waist and neck hernias,
  • Treatment of diabetes and diabetes-related complications, especially foot wounds,
  • Reducing insulin resistance, treatment of metabolic syndrome and fatty liver,
  • Wound and burn treatments,
  • Treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, which we can express in a broad sense as colitis,
  • chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • headaches, migraines,
  • allergies
  • Treatment of acute viral hepatitis and herpes (herpes)
  • recurrent vaginal fungus
  • Supportive treatment in cancer,
  • delaying skin aging,
  • It can be applied to ensure healthy aging.


Aging back is a treatment to preserve youth and stay vigorous for many years. Thanks to ozone, better use of oxygen by the tissues is ensured, and the immune system is activated. Cells that have not been adequately oxygenated for a long time due to aging begin to function better after ozone therapy. It also has positive effects on circulatory disorders in the brain, which manifests itself with symptoms such as decreased physical capacity, walking difficulties and dizziness. Ozone not only prevents diseases in the elderly, but also increases the quality of life.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

One of the diseases of our age is chronic fatigue syndrome. In this disease, people feel tired even though they do not do a job that requires fatigue. In fact, they feel exhausted, as if they had carried a ton of weight, even though they did not move at all that day. In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ozone can provide significant improvements and significantly eliminates the bad effects of the disease in the body, starting from the cell level.


The struggle of daily life, workload, occupational problems, industrially prepared food products, environmental pollution, nicotine, alcohol, coffee, magnetic pollution, wrong lifestyle and malnutrition, inactivity, illness and infections each cause stress in our lives. Ozone ensures the breakdown of adrenaline, which is called the stress hormone, in the body.


The air we breathe, the water we eat and drink, toxins and pollutants slowly enter our bodies. Toxins and chemicals stored in our bodies (pesticide residues, heavy metals, pharmaceutical residues, artificial chemicals and food preservatives) gradually destroy healthy tissues and cells, which is the cause of both many diseases and aging. Ozone therapy purifies our body from these toxins and ensures the formation of healthy cells and tissues. As a result of stimulated antioxidant activities, cells release toxins.

In slimming and cellulite treatments

Ozone therapy stands out as a useful treatment method in the elimination of cellulite, which is caused by the decrease in blood circulation, especially in the capillaries of the legs, and thus the inability to provide the necessary oxygenation. It also accelerates metabolism, burns fat and carbohydrates. Because of this feature, ozone therapy gives successful results in slimming and cellulite treatments.

How Does Ozone Therapy Work?

  • By increasing blood circulation, it prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel surface and removes blockages in capillaries.
  • By increasing skin blood circulation, it provides skin renewal, tight and smooth appearance. Provides cleaner, softer and more rejuvenated skin
  • It increases the elasticity of red blood cells and accelerates their passage through capillaries. It increases the oxygenation of organs by increasing the ability of the blood to release oxygen to the tissues.
  • Increases the formation of white blood cells, regulates their functions,
  • It strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to infections.
  • It cleans the blood and lymph system, helps to clean the chemical substances in our body with its detoxifying feature. (insecticides, pesticide attacks. Acidic substances, pesticide residues)
  • Kills bacteria, viruses and fungi
  • It prevents the proliferation and spread of fast-growing cancer cells.
  • It acts as a pain reliever by releasing the natural painkillers in our body.
  • With its immune system regulating feature, it is curative in the treatment of diseases caused by the immune system not working well.
  • By removing the toxin accumulated in the muscles, it relaxes and softens the muscles, increasing their flexibility.
  • Heals joint pain and muscle ailments,
  • Normalizes hormone and enzyme production,
  • It strengthens brain functions and memory.
  • It has the effect of reducing depression and distress.